In case you missed THE ASYLUM Weekly Picks on, here’s what you missed:
- Butcher’s Hook by Slipknot
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
- The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill by The Beatles
- Bad Boys (Of Rock ‘n’ Roll) by Twisted Sister
- Sitches by Orgy
- Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday the 13) by Fozzy
- Come What May by Iced Earth
- Lepers Among Us by Dimmu Borgir
- A Stranger To Sanity by Blackwood
- Highway To Hell by Marilyn Manson
- Run Now by Phoenix Reign
- The Lords Of Salem by Rob Zombie
- Superstar by Saliva
Remember THE ASYLUM airs live every Wednesday from 2-5PM EST and THE ASYLUM Weekly Picks air every Friday and Sunday from 7-8PM EST on And you can send your questions, comments, and requests to [email protected].